Thursday, September 17, 2009

NAGC Wed. Parent Webinar review

I thought I better write my review of last night's NAGC Parent webinar while it is still fresh in my mind. I was very impressed by the online presentation even if there was a little plug for selling their Mile Marker Series CD-ROM, which I can purchase at a discounted price since I attended the webinar. :) Aside from that, it does sound like a great resource to have and share with parent groups, teachers, and administrators. See for more information on that series.

Robin Schader had many outstanding points to make and I'll try to outline them here: (these come from my notes and I haven't used too many quotes....I am giving credit to Robin.)
1. Be informed- find out how to use research along with experiences of others to inform one's own "Action research".
2. Think strategically- don't just go in to a teacher to say that your child is bored or needs to be challenged. Go in with a plan and suggestions.
3. Find others -one parent is considered a "nut", two parents are a nut with a friend, whereas 3 or more are on their way to making a difference and being heard. They just need to have good ideas and information.
4. When you use the word gifted, ask others what they think it is. People's perceptions and conceptions on it vary widely. An article by Razel Solow "Parents' Conceptions on Giftedness" was a recommended read.
5. Here is a fun question to ask parents or anyone : Name a person who is intelligent across time and space. Then ask them to write down someone who is gifted.
6. The State of the States in Gifted Ed. 2006-2007 was brought up to show the lack of teacher training in gifted education.
7. Starting parent groups were discussed and Robin brought up the Gifted Child Society in NJ, which was started in 1957 by one mother with an ad in the paper (perhaps I'll try that.). This group has been able to pay for gifted training for over 110 teachers in the state.
8. A handbook for starting parent groups by Arlene DeVries (from SENG) was mentioned as a good resource as well as Robin's article in NAGC's Parenting for High Potential magazine (2005) on developing advocacy groups. (looks like I have lots of homework to do) :)

The next NAGC parent webinar will be Oct. 21st from 6-7pm. The topic listed on their website is different than the one they said last night, so I'll wait to post it till closer to the date. The registration opens Oct. 8th and is FREE!

Thanks for reading and I hope this generates some discussion.



  1. Hi Mom2two,
    This was a good review in which you captured and spread a lot of useful information very nicely. That add in the paper idea might be a good one. Maybe the Dover Post would let you do a free ad.
    Good writing.

  2. Nice review. I think having a plan before going in to speak with a teacher is always a good idea, no matter what program your child is in. Teachers tend to take you more seriously since you are prepared and they tend to respect you more since you are not there to waste their time.

  3. Thanks jb for your comment. I'll have to contact the Dover Post about it.

    Thanks for your comment Zubia! Nice to see you here. I agree with you on the teacher front. Having been a teacher myself I can appreciate having a parent who is prepared with an action plan. However you don't want to go in with a team attitude so as not to have the teacher feel like you are taking over his/her position.
